It was a typical morning as Elroy J. Catt wandered around outside, Chasing bugs and pestering Spookie Marie Moosebaum.
The big weird guy noticing that Elroy was outside decided to enjoy a Blueberry Pop-Tart.
Knowing that Elroy would be inside as soon as he heard any activity in the kitchen, the big weird guy tiptoed to the cabinet and got the last package of pop-tarts from the box.
Quietly the big weird guy opened the wrapper to reveal the delicious toaster pastries, making sure that no sound would be heard from outside of his immediate area.
A slight breeze ruffled the wrapper.
“Meow” Said Elroy, which is cat language for “Was that a pop-tart wrapper I just heard?
I had better go and investigate.”
Looking out through the security camera, the big weird guy saw Elroy J. Catt walking across the yard away from the house toward the street.
“Good.” He said to himself. “Elroy is going to check out something else.”
He leaned back in his chair and was just about to take a bite of the pop-tart when he happened to look up on the shelf directly above him.
“What the heck? How did you get up there? You were just outside.”
“Meow.” Said Elroy, which is cat language for “Hey I think I will knock this speaker over.” and he proceeded to do just that.
“Stop that you chuckle head.” The big weird guy said as he stood up and replaced the speaker.
Having put the speaker back in it’s place the big weird guy sat back down only to realize that not only was Elroy gone but so was his pop-tarts.
“What the heck, that was the last pop-tart in the house.”
Having confiscated and consumed the last of the big weird guys pop-tarts, Elroy hopped up onto the roof and began howling, in fact he had so much fun howling that he did it the rest of the day and into the night.
We here at Light Outdoors hope you enjoy the stories about Elroy and Spookie and the weird goings on at our home.
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God Bless You and God Bless America.