So we decided that we would build a fountain in our front yard. Nothing fancy just use some of the things we had lying around as well as a few things Cindy brought up from her mom’s house.
We wanted it kind of close to the house but not so close that it would get damaged during the renovations we have planned for when the house is finally paid off, (about three more years).
Then we began digging a hole. This is my son, running the tiller.
Once we had the hole dug we put in the plastic kiddie pool.
Leveled it up and started filling the pool with water. The reason we put water into the pool before the base was to keep the base from grinding across the bottom and ripping a hole.
These pools are extremely thin. But for 20 bucks at Dollar General what do you expect?
Hooked up the pump and made sure everything was working. Then backfilled and started adding flowers around the pool.
After all the flowers were added we leveled off an area began adding some stepping stones I had acquired last year. They were on sale at Home Depot and I figured I could use them for something eventually.
I then ripped a landscape timber to make some edging for the outside of the stones. Bought the timbers last year as well, they were on sale for less than two dollars apiece
Then added a couple of bags of play sand to fill in between the stones. This will probably be changed over to crushed marble pretty soon.
Added some solar powered lights.
Then some rocks around the rim of the pool
We plan on changing the sand to crushed marble. I still have to install a weather resistant electrical outlet near the fountain and we want to get some submersible lights to put in the actual pool.
Our cost for this fountain was slightly more than a hundred dollars total.
Stones were left overs from a previous project that were bought on sale for $1.05 each for a total of $35.70.
One landscape timber that was left over from a previous project that was bought on sale for $1.49
The flowers were bought for a total of $23.68.
The pump was given to me by a friend.
The base was found here at the house, left over by the previous owners.
The statue and bowl were furnished by Cindy’s sister. They were originally used at her mothers place and since her death, they were more or less discarded in the back yard.
The pool was $20.00.
The sand was from a previous project and was purchased for $2.98 a bag for a total of $5.96.
The stones around the rim were given to us by a neighbor who wanted them removed from her yard.
Solar lights were $15.00
Our total cost was $ 101.83
Not bad for being able to sit out under the tree and relax to the sounds of the water flowing.